Figure 6.
Plasmin inhibits single-channel activity of TRPV5-WT but not TRPV5-S144A. (A and D) Cell-attached single-channel recordings were made from HEK293 cells expressing TRPV5-WT or TRPV5-S144A. Channel activity was elicited by step potentials varying from −100 to 80 mV for TRPV5-WT (A) and TRPV5-S144A (D). Downward currents indicate channel opening state. (B and E) Amplitude histograms were constructed from regions of the single-channel recordings and were fitted by three Gaussian functions corresponding to closed, one open, or two open levels. (C and F) The averaged open probability upon plasmin incubation was assessed by averaging 10-second intervals for 1 minute using a holding potential of −80 mV. *P<0.05 versus nonplasmin condition (n=5–7).