Figure 5.
Characterization of dATP hexamer: (A) human RR1(hRR1) was tested for its ability to form hexamers in the presence of varying concentrations of dATP. No oligomers were observed in the absence of dATP (blue trace) and a mixed population of monomers, dimers, and hexamers at a dATP concentration of 5 μM (red trace). At 20 μM dATP, the hexamers are the dominant species, with a small amount of dimer (green trace). (B) The specific activity of the wild type enzyme decreased with increasing concentration of dATP. Activities for [1H] CDP reduction (blue) and [14C] ADP (red) reduction is shown. (C) Hexameric packing of RR1 based on the low-resolution X-ray crystal structure of the ScRR1 hexamer. ScRR1 monomers are colored in forest green and limon or blue and cyan. All the four-helix ATP-binding cones are colored in red. (D) Model of the α6●ββ′●dATP holo complex Reproduced with the permission from NSMB 2011 [26].