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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Horm Behav. 2011 Dec 20;61(3):340–350. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.12.010

Table 1.

Using of Animal Models. Basic terminology used to describe how animal models and behavioral paradigms are classified, evaluated and used to assess social cognition.

Terminology Type Definition Example
Animal model Genotype based Mice (in most cases) genetically engineered to contain genetic alterations either associated with ASD or causative of monogenic forms of ASD
  • FMR1 KO mouse (causative)

  • DHCR7 KO mouse (causative)

  • OTR KO mouse (associated)

  • OT KO mouse (associated)

  • CD38 KO mouse (associated)

Laboratory animals used to characterize a disease or the normative processes disrupted in a disease.
Environment based Animals (typically rodents or primates) that have undergone an environmental manipulation linked with ASD
  • Valproic acid treatment

  • Borna disease virus infection

  • Not discussed in this review

Phenotype based Animals social behavior parallels either functional or disordered human phenotypes
  • BTBRT +tf/J mice (disordered)

  • BALB/c mice (disordered)

  • Microtine rodents (functional)

  • FMR1 KO mouse (high)

  • DHCR7 KO mouse (high)

  • OTR KO mouse (moderate)

  • CD38 KO mouse (moderate)

  • OT KO mouse (low)

Validity Construct validity Model replicates etiological or neurobiological bases of the human condition being represented
Relationship of the animal model or behavioral paradigm to the disease or behavior it is intended to represent.
Predictive validity The outcome of a manipulation in an animal model is indicative of the effect on the human condition
  • Partner preference in prairie voles (TBD)

  • Social preference in mice (TBD)

Face validity The measured phenootypes in the model are phenomenologically similar to the human condition
  • Social recognition in OTRKO mice (disordered)

  • Partner preference in prairie voles (functional)

Behavioral paradigm Isolation induced vocalization Frequency and intensity of ultrasonic vocalizations emitted by pups, when separated from their dams, is indicative of social anxiety
  • Wild-type mice

  • OT KO mice

  • OTR KO mice

  • CD38 KO mice

  • Wild-type mice

  • Rats

  • OT KO mice

  • OTR KO mice

  • CD38 KO mice

  • Wild-type mice

  • BTBR mice

  • BALB/c

An experimental test used to quantify a specific behavior in the laboratory, usually representative of an animal’s cognitive or emotional state.
Social recognition test Ability of a rodent to recall a familiar individual, as measured by decreased time spent in olfactory investigation of a familiar as opposed to novel conspecifics, as a measure of social memory
Social preference test Degree of preference expressed, as measure by time in proximity, to social vs. nonsocial and novel vs. familiar stimuli a proxy for social motivation
Partner preference test Formation of a social bond, as measured by twice as much time spent huddling with familiar as opposed to novel animal.
  • Prairie voles

  • Meadow voles

indicates species typical performance in the behavioral task.

indicates abnormal performance associated with social impairment.