Effect of strong neutral buffering on NAA- and
FC-induced curvature and elongation growth of strips prepared either
1.5 mm in width (wide strips) or 0.7 mm in width (narrow strips). In
the control condition (open columns) the strips were incubated for
20 h in 10 mm Suc and 10 mm KCl with 0.5
mm Mes/BTP, pH 6.0, or 20 mm Mops/BTP, pH 7.0,
as indicated. Other strips were incubated in the same solutions
augmented by either 10 μm NAA (diagonally striped
columns) or with 1 μm FC (horizontally striped columns).
After 20 h strips were removed from solution and images of the
strips, in profile view, were captured using a video camera. Strip
curvature and the length of the adaxial surface were then measured from
printed copies of the images. Error bars indicate the 95% confidence
limits for the mean curvature or elongation (Student's
t test; n = 20).