Figure 3.
Reliable and precise spike timing is consistent with lifetime sparse spike trains. a, b, Integration times are always larger than the encoding times (a) and smaller than the average interspike interval (b). c, Interspike intervals (118 ms, median) were an order of magnitude larger than the corresponding integration time (9.3 ms, median) and almost two orders of magnitude larger than the spike timing precision (1.9 ms, median). The notches in the box plot designate the median 95% confidence interval while the limits of the box determine the upper and lower quartiles. Whisker lengths are set to 1.5 times the interquartile range, and neurons that exceeded this range are shown as +. d, The reliability of precise spike timing extended from near zero (minimum observed = 0.004) to 0.63 (mean 0.27). e, The joint distribution of TAF (mean = 0.09) and TSI (mean = 0.93) for all ICC neurons is indicative of temporal sparse spike trains.