Figure 3. Determination of the MRCA for an autozygous segment.
A) A 54 Mbp autozygous segment on chromosome 2 in Individual 3. Genomic coordinates (hg18) are represented horizontally, and each individual is represented vertically: the five Hutterite individuals, followed by the three European-American individuals, and then the two Yoruba. Each SNV is represented by a vertical bar colored blue if the variant is homozygous and green if it is heterozygous. The autozygous segment in Individual 3 is boxed in orange. B) Determination of the MRCA for this autozygous segment. The pedigree containing all the haplotype carriers of the autozygous haplotype is shown. Cyan lines connect the same individuals who are represented twice in the pedigree. Individual 3 is shown in yellow. All samples with SNP microarray data are shown with red arrows, and haplotype carriers are shown in gray. These haplotype carriers have two MRCAs (boxed) as well as additional CAs further up the pedigree. The paths from these individuals to the autozygous subject are shown in red for the maternal ancestors and blue for the paternal ancestors; all ancestors of the individual are marked with a star.