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. 2012 Jun;102(6):e33–e40. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300606


Characteristics of the Study Population and Receipt of H1N1 Vaccination During Pregnancy: Ontario, Canada, 2009–2010

H1N1 Vaccination During Pregnancy
Characteristic Total (n = 55 570), No. (%)a No (n = 32 230), No. (%)b Yes (n = 23 340), No. (%)b
Maternal age, y
 < 20 2052 (3.7) 1453 (70.8) 599 (29.2)
 20–24 7419 (13.4) 5063 (68.2) 2356 (31.8)
 25–34 34 224 (61.6) 19 391 (56.7) 14 833 (43.3)
 35–39 9697 (17.5) 5105 (52.6) 4592 (47.4)
 ≥ 40 2177 (3.9) 1217 (55.9) 960 (44.1)
Parity, no.
 0 24 224 (43.7) 14 120 (58.3) 10 104 (41.7)
 1 19 678 (35.5) 10 880 (55.3) 8798 (44.7)
 > 1 11 534 (20.8) 7162 (62.1) 4372 (37.9)
Month and year of delivery
 November 2009 8830 (15.9) 5636 (63.8) 3194 (36.2)
 December 2009 9049 (16.3) 4872 (53.8) 4177 (46.2)
 January 2010 9481 (17.1) 4980 (52.5) 4501 (47.5)
 February 2010 8752 (15.8) 4744 (54.2) 4008 (45.8)
 March 2010 9974 (18.0) 5937 (59.5) 4037 (40.5)
 April 2010 9484 (17.1) 6061 (63.9) 3423 (36.1)
Smoking during pregnancy
 No 47 209 (88.4) 27 010 (57.2) 20 199 (42.8)
 Yes 6204 (11.6) 3986 (64.2) 2218 (35.8)
Maternal medical comorbidityc
 No 50 192 (92.6) 29 410 (58.6) 20 782 (41.4)
 Yes 3988 (7.4) 2051 (51.4) 1937 (48.6)
Chronic hypertension
 No 53 725 (99.2) 31 225 (58.1) 22 500 (41.9)
 Yes 455 (0.8) 236 (51.9) 219 (48.1)
Pregnancy-induced hypertension
 No 52 738 (96.4) 30 736 (58.3) 22 002 (41.7)
 Yes 1995 (3.6) 1082 (54.2) 913 (45.8)
 No 53 550 (97.8) 31 136 (58.1) 22 414 (41.9)
 Yes 1183 (2.2) 682 (57.7) 501 (42.4)
History of preterm birth
 No 51 138 (92.7) 29 407 (57.5) 21 731 (42.5)
 Yes 4046 (7.3) 2626 (64.9) 1420 (35.1)
Neighborhood education quintile
 1 (lowest) 11 353 (20.9) 6713 (59.1) 4640 (40.9)
 2 10 480 (19.3) 6291 (60.0) 4189 (40.0)
 3 11 085 (20.5) 6680 (60.3) 4405 (39.7)
 4 11 060 (20.4) 6627 (59.9) 4433 (40.1)
 5 (highest) 10 236 (18.9) 5089 (49.7) 5147 (50.3)
Neighborhood immigrant concentration quintile
 1 (lowest) 9600 (17.8) 5143 (53.6) 4457 (46.4)
 2 9159 (17.0) 4868 (53.2) 4291 (46.9)
 3 8184 (15.2) 4403 (53.8) 3781 (46.2)
 4 9537 (17.7) 5427 (56.9) 4110 (43.1)
 5 (highest) 17 419 (32.3) 11 383 (65.4) 6036 (34.7)
Neighborhood median family income quintile
 1 (lowest) 13 371 (24.7) 8513 (63.7) 4858 (36.3)
 2 10 476 (19.3) 6312 (60.3) 4164 (39.7)
 3 11 095 (20.5) 6439 (58.0) 4656 (42.0)
 4 11 009 (20.3) 6189 (56.2) 4820 (43.8)
 5 (highest) 8263 (15.2) 3947 (47.8) 4316 (52.2)

Note. As a result of exclusion of missing values, numbers may not always sum to total.


Column percentages.


Row percentages.


Asthma, chronic hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, or heart disease.