Characteristics of the Study Population and Receipt of H1N1 Vaccination During Pregnancy: Ontario, Canada, 2009–2010
H1N1 Vaccination During Pregnancy |
Characteristic | Total (n = 55 570), No. (%)a | No (n = 32 230), No. (%)b | Yes (n = 23 340), No. (%)b |
Maternal age, y | |||
< 20 | 2052 (3.7) | 1453 (70.8) | 599 (29.2) |
20–24 | 7419 (13.4) | 5063 (68.2) | 2356 (31.8) |
25–34 | 34 224 (61.6) | 19 391 (56.7) | 14 833 (43.3) |
35–39 | 9697 (17.5) | 5105 (52.6) | 4592 (47.4) |
≥ 40 | 2177 (3.9) | 1217 (55.9) | 960 (44.1) |
Parity, no. | |||
0 | 24 224 (43.7) | 14 120 (58.3) | 10 104 (41.7) |
1 | 19 678 (35.5) | 10 880 (55.3) | 8798 (44.7) |
> 1 | 11 534 (20.8) | 7162 (62.1) | 4372 (37.9) |
Month and year of delivery | |||
November 2009 | 8830 (15.9) | 5636 (63.8) | 3194 (36.2) |
December 2009 | 9049 (16.3) | 4872 (53.8) | 4177 (46.2) |
January 2010 | 9481 (17.1) | 4980 (52.5) | 4501 (47.5) |
February 2010 | 8752 (15.8) | 4744 (54.2) | 4008 (45.8) |
March 2010 | 9974 (18.0) | 5937 (59.5) | 4037 (40.5) |
April 2010 | 9484 (17.1) | 6061 (63.9) | 3423 (36.1) |
Smoking during pregnancy | |||
No | 47 209 (88.4) | 27 010 (57.2) | 20 199 (42.8) |
Yes | 6204 (11.6) | 3986 (64.2) | 2218 (35.8) |
Maternal medical comorbidityc | |||
No | 50 192 (92.6) | 29 410 (58.6) | 20 782 (41.4) |
Yes | 3988 (7.4) | 2051 (51.4) | 1937 (48.6) |
Chronic hypertension | |||
No | 53 725 (99.2) | 31 225 (58.1) | 22 500 (41.9) |
Yes | 455 (0.8) | 236 (51.9) | 219 (48.1) |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension | |||
No | 52 738 (96.4) | 30 736 (58.3) | 22 002 (41.7) |
Yes | 1995 (3.6) | 1082 (54.2) | 913 (45.8) |
Preeclampsia | |||
No | 53 550 (97.8) | 31 136 (58.1) | 22 414 (41.9) |
Yes | 1183 (2.2) | 682 (57.7) | 501 (42.4) |
History of preterm birth | |||
No | 51 138 (92.7) | 29 407 (57.5) | 21 731 (42.5) |
Yes | 4046 (7.3) | 2626 (64.9) | 1420 (35.1) |
Neighborhood education quintile | |||
1 (lowest) | 11 353 (20.9) | 6713 (59.1) | 4640 (40.9) |
2 | 10 480 (19.3) | 6291 (60.0) | 4189 (40.0) |
3 | 11 085 (20.5) | 6680 (60.3) | 4405 (39.7) |
4 | 11 060 (20.4) | 6627 (59.9) | 4433 (40.1) |
5 (highest) | 10 236 (18.9) | 5089 (49.7) | 5147 (50.3) |
Neighborhood immigrant concentration quintile | |||
1 (lowest) | 9600 (17.8) | 5143 (53.6) | 4457 (46.4) |
2 | 9159 (17.0) | 4868 (53.2) | 4291 (46.9) |
3 | 8184 (15.2) | 4403 (53.8) | 3781 (46.2) |
4 | 9537 (17.7) | 5427 (56.9) | 4110 (43.1) |
5 (highest) | 17 419 (32.3) | 11 383 (65.4) | 6036 (34.7) |
Neighborhood median family income quintile | |||
1 (lowest) | 13 371 (24.7) | 8513 (63.7) | 4858 (36.3) |
2 | 10 476 (19.3) | 6312 (60.3) | 4164 (39.7) |
3 | 11 095 (20.5) | 6439 (58.0) | 4656 (42.0) |
4 | 11 009 (20.3) | 6189 (56.2) | 4820 (43.8) |
5 (highest) | 8263 (15.2) | 3947 (47.8) | 4316 (52.2) |
Note. As a result of exclusion of missing values, numbers may not always sum to total.
Column percentages.
Row percentages.
Asthma, chronic hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, or heart disease.