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. 2012 Feb;102(2):301–308. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300332


US Indian Health Service Treatment Costs for American Indian Adults, by Diabetes Status: US Indian Health Service, Phoenix Service Unit, Arizona, October 1, 2004–September 30, 2005

All Adults
Adults With Diabetes
Adults Without Diabetes
Total Costs, $ Mean Costs, $ (95% CI) Total Costs, $ Mean Costs, $ (95% CI) Total Costs, $ Mean Costs, $ Adjusted Mean Costs, $ (95% CI)a
Indian Health Service providers
Inpatient hospital 17 890 324 558 (509, 607) 7 412 964 2122 (1798, 2445) 10 477 360 367 505 (468, 542)
 Emergency 10 094 488 315 (309, 321) 1 899 728 544 (519, 569) 8 194 760 287 277 (271, 283)
 Primary care 12 143 880 379 (369, 388) 3 977 400 1138 (1094, 1183) 8 166 480 286 376 (368, 384)
 Specialty care 4 702 455 147 (141, 153) 1 509 651 432 (397, 467) 3 192 804 112 170 (164, 176)
 Eye care 1 616 208 50 (49, 52) 656 304 188 (179, 197) 959 904 34 51 (49, 53)
 Foot care 1 977 075 62 (58, 65) 1 044 441 299 (275, 323) 932 634 33 48 (46, 50)
 Dental 3 937 836 123 (119, 127) 1 119 546 320 (300, 340) 2 818 290 99 115 (111, 119)
 Behavioral health 1 773 582 55 (52, 59) 318 594 91 (75, 107) 1 454 988 51 60 (56, 64)
 Education or care management 1 294 387 40 (38, 43) 1 059 703 303 (282, 325) 234 684 8 9 (8, 10)
 All outpatient services 37 539 911 1171 (1151, 1192) 11 585 367 3316 (3213, 3419) 25 954 544 909 1107 (1089, 1125)
Pharmacy: prescriptions and supplies 10 493 014 327 (320, 335) 4 730 272 1354 (1313, 1394) 5 762 742 202 343 (337, 349)
All services 65 923 249 2057 (1993, 2121) 23 728 603 6791 (6394, 7189) 42 194 646 1478 1955 (1906, 2004)
Contract health service providers
Inpatient hospital 2 596 222 81 (61, 101) 1 234 474 353 (213, 493) 1 361 748 48 74 (58, 90)
Outpatient 4 081 191 127 (113, 142) 1 876 925 537 (429, 646) 2 204 266 77 111 (101, 121)
All services 6 677 413 208 (180, 237) 3 111 399 890 (687, 1094) 3 566 014 125 185 (165, 205)
All providers
Inpatient hospital 20 486 546 639 (586, 692) 8 647 438 2475 (2124, 2826) 11 839 108 415 579 (540, 618)
Outpatient 41 621 102 1299 (1273, 1324) 13 462 292 3853 (3706, 4000) 28 158 810 986 1218 (1198,1238)
Pharmacy 10 493 014 327 (320, 335) 4 730 272 1354 (1313, 1394) 5 762 742 202 343 (337, 349)
All services 72 600 662 2265 (2194, 2336) 26 840 002 7682 (7239, 8124) 45 760 660 1602 2140 (2087, 2193)
Row % 100.0 37.0 63.0

Note. CI = confidence interval. Numbers may not sum to totals because of rounding.


We used direct adjustment to adjust the mean for differences in age and gender between adults with and without diabetes.