Most independent |
9 |
Employment in the community without supports greater than 10 h a week |
9 |
Postsecondary, degree-seeking educational program greater than 10 h a week |
8 |
Postsecondary, degree-seeking educational program or employment in the community without supports—total activities 10 h a week or less |
7 |
Employed in the community with supports greater than 10 h a week. No time spent in sheltered settings. |
6 |
Employed in the community with supports (no time spent in sheltered settings)—total activities 10 h a week or less |
5 |
Sheltered vocational setting and supported community employment—total activities greater than 10 h a week |
4 |
Sheltered vocational setting and volunteering in the community—total activities greater than 10 h a week |
4 |
Sheltered vocational setting (workshop or day activity center) with no community employment/volunteering—greater than 10 h a week. |
3 |
Sheltered vocational setting—total activities 10 h a week or less |
2 |
Volunteering with no other activities or postsecondary non-degree seeking education with no other activities |
Least independent |
1 |
No vocational/educational activities |