Figure 1.
(A) Schematics of unidirectional adaptation stimuli used by Czuba et al. (2011) and bidirectional stimuli similar to Sakano et al. (2012). (B) Bar graphs of MAE magnitude, as estimated from the test motion coherence at which observers were equally likely to report seeing toward or away motion (the point of subjective equality). Orange bars correspond to “Full Cue” adaptation stimuli containing both binocular cues (“3D-planar” condition of Czuba et al.; “RES” condition of Sakano et al.). Cyan bars correspond to CD-isolating adaptation stimuli (“CD” condition of Czuba et al.; “DRES” condition of Sakano et al.). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals on the bootstrapped distribution. Individual subject data are shown in the three smaller bar graphs to the right of the main figure.