Table 3. C. riparius transcriptome annotation summery.
Category | Isotigs | Singletons |
Total number of transcripts | 23,709 | 135,082 |
Transcripts with blastx match | 16,824 | 24,129 |
Transcripts assigned GO terms | 14,290 | 17,698 |
Annotated transcripts | 11,895 | 12,662 |
▪ with GO terms for biological | 6,249 | 7,343 |
processes (# GO terms) | (25,689) | (23,976) |
▪ with GO terms for molecular | 10,663 | 11,359 |
functions (# GO terms) | (19,443) | (23,304) |
▪ with GO terms for cellular | 8,380 | 9,277 |
components (# GO terms) | (10,172) | (13,540) |
Transcripts with Enzyme Codes | 2,973 | 3,611 |