BALB/c mice were divided into 2 groups, the control group (C) and the abortion medicine-treated group (T). Mice in the C group were subjected to 3 normal pregnancies, termed C_G1P1 (gravida 1 and parity 1), C_G2P2 (gravida 2 and parity 2), and C_G3P3 (gravida 3 and parity 3). Mice in the T group were treated with RU 486 on day 8.5 of pregnancy. On E13.5, C_G1P1_E13.5, C_G3P3_ T_G2P1, and T_G3P1 mice were sacrificed to compare their mid-pregnancy status, the frequency of fetal resorption, and the expression of placental function-related genes. The expression of metabolism-related genes in the F1 generation (C_G1P1 mated with T_G3P1) was also compared.