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. 2011 Nov;132(2-3):220–227. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2011.06.017

Table 1.

Studies included in the systematic review of premorbid intelligence and Schizophrenia.

Study Design and setting Diagnostic criteria and outcome Case (n) Control (n) % of cases male Age at follow up (years) IQ test age (years) Mean age of onset, years (SD) IQ tests Case identification Adjustment for confounding
Jones et al. (1994) PCa—British 1946 birth cohort DSM III R schizophrenia 24 4133 66.6 43 8, 11, 15 23.4 (2.7) 1st principal componentb Questionnaire, interview, hospital discharge register, present state examination Age, social class
Crow et al. (1995) PC—British 1958 birth cohort PSE CATEGOc schizophrenia 29 1446 51.7 28 7, 11, 16 General ability test Hospital discharge register Social class
Cannon et al. (2000) PC—NCPP: Philadelphia cohort, USAd DSM IV Schizophrenia or schizoaffective 57 5829 72 19–36 4, 7 Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC) Hospital discharge register Socio-demographic, obstetric, behavioral factors
Walker et al. (2002) RCe—Scottish mental ability survey 1932 ICD10: F20–29 Schizophrenia and related conditions 32 3764 65.5 66 11 36.5 (16.6)f Moray house test Hospital discharge register Age
Cannon et al. (2002) PC—Dunedin birth cohort, New Zealand DSM IV Schizophreniform 33 598 32 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Revised Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC-R) Diagnostic interview schedule (DIS) Socioeconomic, obstetric and maternal factors
Gunnell et al. (2002) RC—Swedish conscript cohort ICD 10 schizophrenia 60 109 491 100 18–25 18 20.8 (1.5)f Synonym and visuospatial test National Inpatient Discharge Register Age, obstetric and maternal factors, parental education
Caspi et al. (2003) NCCg—Israeli conscript cohort DSM IV schizophrenia 44 44 75 19–31 16–17 22.5 (3.5)f Modified Raven's progressive matrices, Otis type verbal IQ test Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID) Sex, country of origin, age, education
Niendam et al. (2003)h NCC—NCPP: Philadelphia cohort, USA DSM IV schizophrenia or schizoaffective 32 201 34 19–36 7 Vocabulary and block design Hospital discharge register Age, socio-economic status
Zammit et al. (2004) RC—Swedish conscript cohort ICD 8 and ICD 9 Schizophrenia 362 49 161 100 45–47 18 28.2 (5.9)f Visuospatial test National Inpatient discharge register
Reichenberg et al. (2005) RC—Israeli conscript cohort ICD 10 Schizophrenia 1856 549 466 76 24–34 16–17 23.8 (3.7)f Verbal and non-verbal analogies National Inpatient discharge register Sex, socioeconomic status
Tiihonen et al. (2005)i RC—Finnish conscript cohort ICD 8 and ICD 9 schizophrenia 607 189 027 100 27 19.9 Verbal, arithmetic and visuospatial reasoning tests National inpatient discharge register Age, over-all test performance
Seidman et al. (2006) NCC—NCPP: New England cohort, USA DSM IV schizophrenia 31 61 79.4 28 7 Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC) DIS, SCID, hospital discharge register Sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status
Osler et al. (2007) PC—Danish longitudinal study ICD 10 schizophrenia 87 6790 100 19–49 12 35.2 (9.6)f Härnquist test National inpatient discharge register Birth weight, social class, education, marital status, employment
Urfer-Parnas et al. (2010) NCC—Danish conscript cohort ICD 8 to ICD 10 schizophrenia 1779 20 531 100 43–54 19.5 30.4 (7.8)f Børge Priens Prøve (letter matrices, verbal analogies, number series, geometric figures) National inpatient discharge register

PC—Prospective cohort study.


1st principal component derived from all tests used at each age which included tests for verbal, nonverbal and mathematical skills.


Present state examination and CATEGO.


National Collaborative Perinatal Project (NCPP)—USA.


RC—Retrospective cohort study.


Age at the time of first hospital admission for schizophrenia.


NCC—Nested case–control study.


Study sample is a sub-set of T Cannon et al. (2000) used in the meta-analysis of premorbid verbal and performance IQ.


Study used only in the dose–response analysis as data was not available in appropriate format to use in other analyses.