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. 2011 Aug 25;2(6):508–527. doi: 10.1068/i0472aap

Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Examples of image balance ratings by artists (bold lines) and novices (dashed lines) for five different rotations. Note that generally the rotation effects seen in the artist ratings are reflected in similar, but reduced, tendencies in novices. A number of rotation effects are demonstrated, as follows: (a) images were generally rated higher at 45° rotation, where diagonal elements become vertical and horizontal creating a T-like shape, especially when the T is upright; (b) images were generally rated lower at ±45° rotation, where horizontal and vertical elements become diagonal; (c) images at ±45° rotation were rated similar to that at 90° rotation, where the image was rated low because vertical and horizontal elements are flipped and vertical symmetry is violated; (d) images with curved lines and no salient vertical or horizontal lines were rated similarly at ±45° rotation as at other rotations; (e) images with a wider base or greater support ratio at 180° rotation than at 0° were rated similar to that at 0°; (f) images losing their wide base at 180° rotation were rated lower than at 0° by artists.