Fig 4.
KatE enhances resistance to extracellular H2O2. Shown are percent survivals of Leptospira strains exposed to oxidative stress conditions in the presence or absence of the catalase inhibitor ATZ. (A) L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni; (B) L. biflexa serovar Patoc; (C) L. interrogans serovar Pomona; (D) L. interrogans serovar Pomona katE mutant strain P3; (E) L. interrogans serovar Manilae; (F) L. interrogans serovar Manilae katE mutant strain m69. Results are shown as means of triplicate values from a single experiment. Experiments were performed twice, with similar results. Statistical analyses were conducted by comparing the percent survival at a particular H2O2 concentration using the two-tailed Student t test under the following comparative conditions: (i) the presence and absence of ATZ, (ii) L1-130 versus Patoc, and (iii) wild type (L. interrogans serovar Pomona or Manilae) versus mutant (P3 or m69). Standard deviations are indicated, and significant differences between the means (P < 0.0001) are indicated by an asterisk, while the absence of an asterisk indicates no significant difference.