Levels of camp gene expression induced by exposure to LPS purified from S. Typhi. Primary human MDMs were allowed to mature for 12 days. On day 12, MDMs were exposed to 100 ng LPS purified from WT Ty2, ΔpmrAB, ΔpmrF, and ΔphoPQ S. Typhi for 2.5, 6, or 10 h. MDMs were also incubated with 100 nM 1,25D3 (hormonal form of vitamin D) to serve as a positive control for camp expression. The graph represents the pooled results from two donors; however, these results have been confirmed using MDMs from additional donors stimulated with selected LPS species (n = 3). Statistical significance was determined by Student's t test comparing RCNs from a 24-h no-LPS sample to a 24-h 1,25D3-stimulated sample. **, P < 0.0001.