Effect of cytokine or TLR agonist treatments on weight loss and mortality in MA15-infected aged B6, IFNAR−/−, and TLR3−/− mice. Twelve-month-old B6 (A and B), 12- to 14-month-old IFNAR−/− (C and D), or 12- to 14-month-old TLR3−/− mice (E and F) were treated with IFN-β (2,000 U), IL-1β (50 ng), TNF (200 ng), IFN-γ (200 ng), IL-6 (50 ng), IL-12 (20 ng), GM-CSF (20 ng), or poly(I·C) (20 μg) 6 h before intranasal infection with 1 × 105 PFU MA15 virus. Weight loss and mortality were monitored daily. For B6 mice, n = 9 in the PBS group, 6 in the IFN-γ group, 6 in the IFN-β group, 10 in the IL-1β group, 8 in the IL-6 group, 10 in the IL-12 group, 6 in the TNF group, and 6 in the GM-CSF group. For IFNAR−/− mice, n = 6 in the PBS group, 6 in the poly(I·C) group, and 6 in the IFN-γ group. For TLR3−/− mice, n = 6 in the PBS group and 7 in the poly(I·C) group.