Dynamic localization of TatA-eGFP (BRO3), TatB-eGFP (BRO8), and TatC-eGFP (BRO4) at the tips of germinating spores. Images were taken from Movies SV5, SV1, and SV3 in the supplemental material, respectively, and represent 4-min time intervals. Images were collected using a Zeiss Observer with a Hamamatsu C9100-02 electron-multiplying charge-coupled device camera. Exposure times were 100 ms for TatA and TatB and 500 ms for TatC movies. For all constructs, setting of minimum/maximum intensity was used to show similar fluorescence intensities. Scale bars, 2 μm. The arrowheads indicate examples of the fluorescent protein fusions of the respective Tat components.