Fig 1.
Growth and survival of C. jejuni 81-176 in broth cultures containing increasing concentrations of NaCl in Mueller-Hinton (MH) medium. (A) Comparison of biologically relevant osmolarities and the conditions used in this experiment. (B and C) Optical density (OD600) readings (B) and CFU ml−1 counts (C) demonstrated that growth and survivability are inhibited at osmolarities exceeding +1.5% NaCl. Initial adaptation under the +1.0% NaCl condition (open triangles) was followed by logarithmic growth and late-stage growth defects; the dashed bracket and box in panel C show an expanded view of the 0- to 12-h time points for +1.0% NaCl versus unsupplemented medium. The MH+0.5% NaCl CFU ml−1 curve is identical to the MH curve but has been offset to enable viewing. The experiment is representative of three biological replicates; error bars for three technical replicates are present but in most cases are too small to see. *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01.