Fig 5.
Protein relationship analyses. (A to E) Protein relationships among all baculoviruses derived from BLASTP analysis. The E value between pairs of species is indicated above each arrow. Gray-shaded areas correspond to the different subdivisions of the Baculoviridae: α-GI, alphabaculoviruses of group I; α-GII, alphabaculoviruses of group II; β, betabaculoviruses; γ, gammabaculoviruses; δ, deltabaculoviruses. (A) Ac53. (B) Ac78. (C) Ac93. (D) Ac101. (E) Ac103. (F) Minimum (1) and maximum (2) identity values between each deltabaculovirus core protein and the corresponding sequences of other baculovirus genera. The orthologous names are mentioned with the family prototype nomenclature. The 4 newly discovered core proteins, the 2 core proteins described previously by Yuan et al. (57), and the 31 standard core proteins are indicated with black characters, boxed black characters, and dark gray characters, respectively. The insets show the core proteins (AcMNPV nomenclature) (first column) in deltabaculoviruses (second column) and the corresponding species where orthologous sequences with minimum (1) or maximum (2) identity were found (third column). In all instances, six-character codes were used (see Table S1 in the supplemental material).