WT |
None |
None |
7 |
Deletion of HSV-1 bp 105486 to 106391 |
Deletion of VP22 (UL49 ORF deletion) |
7 |
vhsFS |
Guanine nucleotide insertion at HSV-1 bp 91789 |
Frameshift at vhs residue 284 |
This work |
UL49−/vhsFS |
Deletion of HSV-1 bp 105486 to 106391 and guanine nucleotide insertion at HSV-1 bp 91789 |
Deletion of VP22 (UL49 ORF deletion) and frameshift at vhs residue 284 |
This work |
vhsD213N |
C-to-T nucleotide change at HSV-1 bp 92001 |
Aspartic acid (D)-to-asparagine (N) change at vhs residue 213 |
This work |
UL49−/vhsD213N |
Deletion of HSV-1 bp 105486 to 106391 and C-to-T nucleotide change at HSV-1 bp 92001 |
Deletion of VP22 (UL49 ORF deletion) and aspartate (D)-to-asparagine (N) change at vhs residue 213 |
This work |