Two chimeric peptides constructed from CCR5mim1 and pPG16v4 precipitate HIV-1 gp120 more efficiently than either original peptide. (A) Sequence alignment of pPG16v4, CCR5mim1, and chimeras thereof (pSwap1 to -7). Gray shading indicates pPG16v4 residues, unshaded letters indicate CCR5mim1 residues, and boldface lettering indicates common residues. (B) Experiments similar to that in Fig. 1B were performed. Bars indicate the ratio of the indicated gp120 to Fc fusion, measured by phosphorimaging and normalized to CCR5mim1-Ig. The bottom panel shows a representative experiment used to generate the figure. Single and double asterisks indicate significant differences (P < 0.05 and P < 0.005, respectively) from CCR5mim1.