Figure 3. Expression of Prdm9 and Morc2b in prepubertal hybrid testis.
Real-time qRT-PCR was performed using RNAs of 14-day-old F1 intersubspecific hybrids of the indicated Prdm9 genotypes (maternal/paternal); −, null. The animals carrying genotypes labeled by the same color were littermates. The columns indicate mRNA expression (mean ± standard deviation) relative to β-actin mRNA for five amplicons in Prdm9 (arranged from the 5′ to 3′ of the gene) and one in Morc2b (orange); the asterisks mark significantly different values (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01); the expression of Prdm9 was similar in all except the Prdm9PWD/− F1 hybrids.