Audiometric Characterization of OTOG Families
(A) Binaural mean air-conduction pure tone threshold values of affected members of family W00-384. These represent mean values of audiograms at different ages for each affected individual; II.1 (7.2–19.6 yrs), II.2 (5.4–17.2 yrs), II.3 (3.5–15.3 yrs), and II.4 (3.9–13.8 yrs).
(B) Mean air-conduction pure tone threshold values of family S1778. These represent mean values of audiograms at different ages for each affected individual; 5–30 years for subject II.1 and 6–24 years for subject II.2. AD (aurio dextra) and AS (aurio sinister) represent the right and left ear, respectively.