Targeted disruption of Arg‐II reduced atherosclerosis in ApoE−/− mice. Mice were fed either HF (A and B) or HC (C, D, and E) diet for 10 weeks. A, Representative images showing Oil Red O staining of plaques in aortic roots of ApoE−/−Arg‐II+/+ and ApoE−/−Arg‐II−/− mice. Quantifications of the lesions are presented in the graph below the stains. Data shown are medians with 25th and 75th percentiles from 8 animals of each group. At least 7 equally spaced cryosections of aortic roots per mouse were evaluated. B, Representative confocal microscopic images showing macrophage accumulation in the lesions stained with antibodies against F4/80 (red), or CD11c (green) and MMP14 (red). All sections were counterstained with DAPI (blue). The merged images are shown. Scale bars=10 μm. Quantifications of the positive stained cells are presented in the corresponding graphs on the right. Data shown are medians with 25th and 75th percentiles from 8 animals of each group. C, Representative images of Oil Red O staining of lesions in thoracic‐abdominal aortas. Quantifications of the lesions are shown in the graph below the stain (n=18 of each group). D, Hematoxylin‐eosin staining of aortic arches of the 2 mouse groups. Quantifications of necrotic core (indicated by #) are presented as percentage of the cell‐free area to the total lesion area and are shown in the graph below the stain (n=10). At least 4 equally spaced sections per mouse were evaluated. E, qRT‐PCR analysis of F4/80, MMP14, TNFα, and IL6 in the plaques isolated from aortic arches. Data shown are mean±SEM from 10 animals of each group. F, In vivo adoptive transfer. Labeled monocytes from donor ApoE−/−Arg‐II+/+ (sk: groups 1 and 2) and ApoE−/−Arg‐II−/− (dk: groups 3 and 4) mice were injected into recipient ApoE−/−Arg‐II+/+ (groups 1 and 3: sk→sk and dk→sk, respectively) and ApoE−/−Arg‐II−/− (groups 2 and 4: sk→dk and dk→dk, respectively) mice. Data are presented as percentage change to the sk→sk control group. The number of fluorescent macrophages counted in atherosclerotic lesions of the control group (sk→sk) is 61.29±11.46 (n=7 for groups 1 and 3; n=6 for groups 2 and 4). *P<0.05; ***P<0.001 between the indicated groups.