Spiking activity in a synfire chain ( layers, layer width ) receiving
background input from an excitatory-inhibitory network (A, cf.
Fig. 1 C) or from a
finite pool of excitatory and inhibitory Poisson processes (B,
cf. Fig. 1 D). Average
input firing rates, in-degrees and amount of shared input are identical in
both cases. Neurons of the first synfire layer (neuron ids ) are
stimulated by current pulses at times and . Each neuron in layer receives
inputs from all neurons in the
preceding layer (synaptic
weights , spike
transmission delays ), and
excitatory and
inhibitory background inputs, respectively, randomly drawn from the
presynaptic populations. Neurons in the first layer receive
excitatory and
inhibitory background inputs, respectively. Note that there is no feedback
from the synfire chain to the embedding network. See Table 2 for network parameters.