WbdAO8 contains three separable domains. The results show mutant complementation experiments with CWG1104 (ΔwbdAO8) expressing WbdAO8-D1+D2 (pWQ595), WbdAO8-D2+D3 (pWQ596), WbdAO8-D1+D3 (pWQ593 + pWQ594), or WbdAO8-D1+D2+D3 (pWQ592 + pWQ596 or pWQ594 + pWQ595). Top, silver-stained SDS-polyacrylamide gel of LPS samples from whole-cell lysates; bottom, the corresponding Western immunoblot using O8-specific antiserum. Native O-PS biosynthesis was restored only when all three WbdAO8 domains were present.