FXIa binding to fIX, fIXα, and fIXaβ. Surface plasmon resonance was used to assess binding of fXIa perfused over immobilized fIX, fIXα, or fIXaβ in the presence of Ca2+ ions at 10 μl/min for 6 min. Dissociation was monitored for 10 min. Panels A–C, fXIa-WT binding. FXIa-WT concentrations tested were: 1, 5, 10, 25, 37.5, 75, 150, 300, and 500 nm. Affinity and kinetic parameters were determined after subtraction of nonspecific binding from the control surface. Nonlinear regression fitting of the steady state equilibrium binding of fXIa-WT to (A) fIX, (B) fIXα, and (C) fIXaβ was performed using a bivalent model. Panels D–F, surface plasmon resonance data for Ca2+-dependent binding of fXIa-WT, fXIa-HC, and fXIa-CD binding to fIX. D, shown are curves for fXIa-WT binding to immobilized fIX at analyte concentrations listed above. E, binding curves for fXIa-HC at the same concentrations used for fXIa-WT. F, binding curve for fXIa-CD at a single analyte concentration (5000 nm). Panel G, effect of fXIa-HC on fIX activation by fXIa-WT. Shown are Western blots of time courses of fIX (100 nm) activated by fXIa-WT (2 nm active sites) in the presence of vehicle control (C) or 1 μm fXIa-HC (HC). Samples collected at various times (shown at bottom) into nonreducing SDS sample buffer were size fractionated by SDS-PAGE. Detection was with a polyclonal anti-human fIX antibody and chemiluminescence. Positions of standards for fIX, fIXα, and fIXaβ are shown between the images.