Chronic low dose SAHA treatment sustains correction of Z-α1AT. A, Z-α1AT expression in cell lysates (I, immature; M, mature) (upper panel) and culture media (S, secreted) (middle panel) after a chronic, daily (every 24 h) treatment with DMSO, 0.2 or 1 μm SAHA for 120 h. B, immunoblot analysis of Z-α1AT protein expression in cell lysates (upper panel) and culture media (middle panel) after a chronic daily dosing scheme (below) of Z-HCT116 cells with 1 μm SAHA or DMSO for the indicated times (h). C, immunoblot analysis of Z-α1AT protein expression in cell lysates and culture media after a chronic daily pretreatment with 1 μm SAHA for 1 or 5 days and subsequent drug washout for the indicated time (h). D, quantitative analysis of the amount of mature (left) and secreted (right) forms of α1AT after a 1 (closed squares)- and 5-day (closed circles) pretreatment with 1 μm SAHA as in C. Data are plotted as the -fold change of α1AT relative to the 5-day DMSO treatment control (open squares) (mean ± S.D., n = 3). The inset in panel D (right) represents an enlargement of the 24–72-h washout period. The asterisk indicates p < 0.05 as determined by two-tailed t test using DMSO as the reference.