Summary of studies included in review
Source | Sample | Symptoms included | Analysis | Main results |
Dimensional studies of psychosis | ||||
Allardyce et al. [23] | n = 464 psychosis 1st episode |
28 OPCRIT items | PFA | 5 factors: mania, disorganization/bizarre, depression, nonbizarre/nonmood congruent delusions, auditory hallucinations |
Bassett et al. [17] | n = 72 members (5 families) with broad-spectrum psychopathology | 8 PANSS items and 1 item created—inappropriate affect |
PCA | 3 factors: (1) negative; (2) delusions/hallucinations, thought disorder, and inappropriate affect; (3) suspiciousness and stereotyped thinking |
Bell et al. [38] | n = 146 SZ & SZA | 30 PANSS items | PCA then CFA of present and Kay et al. [59] samples | PCA: 5 factors: negative, positive, cognitive, emotional discomfort, hostility CFA: Poor fit between 2 samples; although similar dimensions |
Brekke et al. [37] | n = 193 SZ & SZA | 11 BPRS items, 2 CAF items, 4 QLS items |
CFA—goodness of fit assessed for 6 models | 3-factor model best fit: positive, negative, disorganized |
Bunk et al. [36] | n = 44 SZ, SZA, schizophreniform, affective illness | 30 PANSS items at onset of illness then 42 y later | PCA at onset and follow-up | Onset: 5 factors: cognitive, social withdrawal, antisocial behavior, excitement, reality distortion Follow-up: 5 factors: excitement, cognitive/motor-restriction/rigidity, positive, negative, anxiety/depression |
Cardno et al. [39] | n = 109 SZ or SZA sibling pairs | 7 SANS/SAPS items 22 OPCRIT items |
PCA | SANS/SAPS: 3 factors: disorganization, negative, positive OPCRIT: 4 factors: positive, disorganization, negative, 1st-rank delusions |
Cardno et al. [24] | n = 224 psychosis twin pairs | 18 OPCRIT items analyzed then 16 OPCRIT items |
PCA of 18 items PCA of 16 items |
18 items (psychotic symptoms): 6 factors: disorganized, negative, 1st-rank delusions, paranoid, other hallucinations, 1st-rank hallucinations 16 items (psychotic + affective symptoms): 3 factors: manic, general psychotic, depressive |
Cuesta et al. [21] | n = 660 psychosis | 64 AMDP items | PCA | 10 factors: pure paranoid, mania, negative catatonia, depression, dysphoria, disorganization, Schneiderian, insight, psychomotor poverty, positive catatonia (hierarchical representation of factors) |
Cuesta et al. [22] | n = 94 psychosis 1st episode |
70 AMDP items | PCA | Hierarchical system with up to 10 factors: mania, disorganization/dysphoria, insight, depression, anxiety/guilt, psychomotor poverty, Schneiderian hallucinations, depersonalization/ derealization, other disorders of ego integrity, paranoid |
Daneluzzo et al. [41] | n = 234 BP & SZ | 3 PANSS scales 6 PANSS cluster scores |
PCA of PANSS scales + clusters | PCA: SZ: 3 factors: positive, negative, depressive PCA: BP: 3 factors: positive, negative, mixed |
Demjaha et al. [29] | n = 536 psychosis 1st episode |
28 SCAN items | PAF | 5 factors: mania, reality distortion, negative, depression, disorganization |
Dikeos et al. [30] | n = 191 psychosis | 51 OPCRIT items | PCA | 5 factors: mania, reality distortion, depression, disorganization, negative |
Ehmann et al. [33] | n = 165 psychosis | 21 RAPP items | PCA | 5 factors: aggression, positive, negative, organic/disorganization, anxiety/somatization |
Kitamura et al. [26] | n = 584 psychosis | Semistructured interview | Factor analysis | 5 factors: (1) manic, (2) depressive, (3) negative symptoms and formal thought disorder, (4) positive, (5) catatonic |
McClellan et al. [42] | n = 69 SZ, BP, psychosis NOS (early-onset) | 7 BPRS-C items 4 SAPS items 5 SANS items |
PCA | 4 factors: negative, positive, behavioral problems, dysphoria |
McGorry et al. [52] | n = 509 psychosis 1st episode |
92 RPMIP items | PAF | 4 factors: mania, depression, Bleulerian (negative-disorganization), Schneiderian (positive) |
McGrath et al. [31] | n = 1043 SZ, SZA | 44 items from Diagnostic Checklist for DSM-IV |
LCFA | 5 factors: positive, affective, disorganized, negative, early onset/developmental |
McIntosh et al. [54] | n = 204 psychosis | 33 OPCRIT items | PCA performed separately at 4 consecutive inpatient admissions | 4 factors: manic, depressive, disorganization, reality distortion (stable over time) |
Minas et al. [16] | n = 114 psychosis | 35 SAPS/SANS items | PCA | 3 factors: negative, thought disorder, delusions/hallucinations |
Peralta et al. [28] | n = 314 psychosis | 11 AMDP items 8 SANS/SAPS global ratings |
AMDP items: 3 factors: catatonic, manic, depressive SANS/SAPS: 3 factors: psychosis (positive), disorganization, negative CFA results support PCA results |
Peralta et al. [20] | n = 660 psychosis | 50 SAPS/SANS items | PCA 1st order then 2nd order |
11 1st-order factors: poverty of affect/speech, thought disorder/inappropriate affect, bizarre delusions, social dysfunction, other delusions, paranoid delusions, bizarre behavior, non-auditory hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, manic thought disorder, attention 3 2nd-order factors: psychosis, disorganization, negative |
Rapado-Castro et al. [43] | n = 99 psychosis 1st episode, early onset |
30 PANSS items baseline, 4 wk, 6 mo | PCA at each time point | 5 factors: positive, negative, depression, cognitive, hostility Dimensions stable over time but predominance differed: negative predominant baseline/4 wk; depression predominant at 6 mo |
Ratakonda et al. [35] | n = 412 SZ & non-SZ | 9 SAPS/SANS global ratings | PCA performed separately for SZ and non-SZ | 3 factors similar for both SZ and non-SZ: positive, negative, disorganization |
Rosenman et al. [25] | n = 978 psychosis | 64 SCAN items | PFA | 5 factors: dysphoria, positive, negative/incoherence, mania, substance abuse |
Salvatore et al. [51] | n = 377 psychosis 1st episode |
78 AMDP items 34 BSABS items |
PCA | 4 factors: pure mania with psychosis, depressive-excited mixed state, excited-hallucinatory-delusional state, disorganized-catatonic-autistic state |
Serretti et al. [49] | n = 1004 SZ spectrum & mood disorder | 38 OPCRIT items | PCA on half of sample CFA on other half |
4 factors: excitement, depression, disorganization, delusion CFA showed good fit of model |
Serretti et al. [50] | n = 2241 psychosis | 46 OPCRIT items | PCA | 4 factors: excitement, psychotic, depression, disorganization |
Serretti et al. [27] | n = 1294 SZ, BP, delusional disorder | 29 OPCRIT items | CFA of 6 factor models | 5 factor best fit: positive, negative, depressive, manic, disorganized |
Toomey et al. [19] | n = 630 psychoses global-level PCA n = 549 psychoses item-level PCA | 9 SAPS/SANS global ratings 50 SAPS/SANS items |
PCA on global ratings FA on global ratings then again separately on individual items |
PCA: replicated 3 factors found in other studies: positive, negative, disorganization FA global ratings: 2 factors: positive (SAPS), negative (SANS) FA individual items: 5 factors: diminished expression, disorganization, disordered relating, bizarre delusions, auditory hallucinations |
Toomey et al. [34] | n = 369 SZ, MDD, BP | 9 SAPS/SANS global ratings | PCA performed separately for each diagnosis | SZ: 3 factors: negative, disorganization, positive MDD: 4 factors: diminished expression, diminished instrumental behavior, positive, disorganization BP: 2 factors: negative, positive MDD + BP: negative, positive, disorganization Psychotic (SZ + MDD + BP): 3 factors: negative, disorganization, positive Nonpsychotic (MDD + BP): 3 factors: (1) affective flattening/alogia/attention; (2) apathy/anhedonia/thought disorder; (3) disorganization |
van Os et al. [18] | n = 166 psychosis recent onset | 20 OCCPI items | PCA | 7 factors: inappropriate-catatonia, delusions-hallucinations, mania, insidious-blunting, depression, lack of insight, paranoid delusions |
van Os et al. [32] | n = 706 psychosis | 65 CPRS items 46 OPCRIT items |
PCA on CPRS then OPCRIT items | CPRS 4 factors: depressive, manic, negative, positive OPCRIT 5 factors: manic, depressive, negative, positive, disorganization |
Ventura et al. [40] | n = 141 SZ, SZA, bipolar manic | 18 BPRS items 24 BPRS items |
PCA on 18 items then 24 items | 18 item: 4 factors: negative, depression-anxiety, hostile-uncooperativeness, positive 24 item: 4 factors: manic-excitement, negative, positive, depression-anxiety |
Wickham et al. [48] | n = 155 SZ, SZA, psychosis NOS (61 families) |
53 OPCRIT items | PCA | 5 factors: depressive, manic, reality distortion, disorganization, psychomotor poverty |
Categorical studies of psychosis | ||||
Boks et al. [44] | n = 1056 psychosis (after examination, some proved not to be psychotic but left in analysis) | 52 CASH items | EFA then CFA LCA of factor scores |
5 factors: disorganization, negative, positive, depression, mania 6 classes: bipolar-schizomania, schizodepressive, hebephrenia, classic schizophrenia, non-psychotic, major depression |
Derks et al. [46] | n = 4286 psychosis (SZ, SZA, BPI, BPII, BP NOS, MDD, healthy, other) | 79 CASH items | EFA LCA of factor scores |
EFA 5 factors: disorganization, negative, mania, positive, depression LCA 7 classes: schizophrenia, affective psychosis, manic-depression, deficit non-psychosis, depression, healthy, no symptoms |
Kendler et al. [45] | n = 256 siblings w/ SZ n = 457 siblings with nonaffective psychoses | 11 MSSS items + 2 additional variables: age at onset, sex | Factor analysis 11 MSSS items LCA of factor scores using 11 MSSS items, age at onset, and gender |
3 factors SZ pairs: negative, positive, affective/manic 3 factors nonaffective pairs: negative, positive, affective/good prognosis LCA 5 classes: (1) SZA, (2) negative symptom SZ, (3) prominent delusions, flat affect, thought disorder SZ, (4) paranoid SZ, (5) remitting/relapsing catatonic SZ |
Kendler et al. [63] | n = 343 SZ and affective disorders | 21 items: 19 from OPCRIT, 2 items from MSSS |
LCA | 6 classes: classic schizophrenia, major depression, schizophreniform, bipolar-schizomania, schizodepression, hebephrenia |
Peralta et al. [64] | n = 660 psychosis | 16 MAS items | LCA | 5 classes index episode: schizophrenia, psychosis, schizomania, schizodepression, cycloid 5 classes lifetime: schizophrenia, atypical schizophrenia, psychosis, schizobipolar, schizodepression |
Studies comparing categorical vs. dimensional classification | ||||
Murray et al. [53] | n = 387 psychosis | 62 OPCRIT items | PCA LCA |
PCA: 4 factors: mania, reality distortion, depression, disorganization LCA: 4 classes: depression, disorganization, bipolar, reality distortion/depression |
Peralta et al. [47] | n = 110 psychosis | 12 subscale global ratings and inappropriate affect from CASH 3 time frames: index, lifetime, interepisode |
LCA then factor analysis for each time frame | Index 4 classes: psychotic, mixed positive-negative, schizomanic, schizodepressive Lifetime 4 classes: mixed psychotic, psychotic, schizobipolar, schizodepressive Interepisode 3 classes: remitting psychosis, chronic psychosis, defect psychosis Index 4 factors: depression-motor poverty, negative, disorganization, psychosis Lifetime 4 factors: negative, mania, depression, psychosis Interepisode 3 factors: negative-disorganization, psychosis, depression-motor poverty |
SZ, schizophrenia; SZA, schizoaffective; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CAF, Community Adjustment Form; QLS, Quality of Life Scale; AMDP, Manual for the Assessment and Documentation of Psychopathology; BP, bipolar; SCAN, Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry; PAF, principal axis factoring; RAPP, Routine Assessment of Patient Progress; RPMIP, Royal Park Multidiagnostic Instrument for Psychosis; PFA, principal factor analysis; LCFA, latent class factor analysis; BSABS, Bonn Scale for Assessment of Basic Symptoms; FA, factor analysis; MDD, major depressive disorder; CPRS, Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale; CASH, Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History; BPI, bipolar I; BPII, bipolar II; BP NOS, bipolar not otherwise specified; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation; MSSS, Major Symptoms of Schizophrenia Scale; MAS, Manual for the Assessment of Schizophrenia.