Table 4.
Variables used in the fuzzy cluster models in order to establish an urban hierarchy in the Legal Brazilian Amazon
I. Demographic configuration and dynamics |
Urban population (2000)a |
Community population (2004)f |
Urban population density (2000)a |
Community population density (2004)f |
Urban ratio (2000)a |
Change in urban ratio (1991/2000/2007)*a,b |
Average urban population growth (1991/2000/2007)*a,b |
II. Population linkages |
In-migrants in urban areas of municipalities (2000)a |
Out-migrants from urban areas of municipalities (2000)a |
Commuting movement [from urban/rural to urban] (2000)a |
III. Spatial dimensions |
Countryside/metropolitan area (2000)a |
Urban perimeter (2000)a |
Total area of the municipality (2000)a |
Total area of the community (2004)f |
Municipality of community location (2000)a |
IV. History of creation |
Year of municipality creation (2007)c |
Year of community creation (2004)f |
V. Social development |
Total urban household income (2000)a |
Hospital beds per 1,000 habitants (2002)d |
Change in hospital beds for 1000 habitants (1998/2002)d |
Emergency rooms per 100,000 habitants (2002)d |
Change in emergency rooms per 100,000 habitants (1998/2002)d |
Type of health establishment (2002)e |
Level of health attention [primary, secondary or terciary] (2002)e |
Outpatient facilities per 1,000 habitants (2002)e |
Number of hospitals in the community (2004)f |
Number of health centers in the community (2004)f |
Number of health posts in the community (2004)f |
Number of school establishments in the community (2004)f |
Number of shops in the community (2004)f |
Number of churches in the community (2004)f |
Number of soccer fields in the community (2004)f |
Number of public squares in the community (2004)f |
Number of post offices in the community (2004)f |
Number of lottery stores in the community (2004)f |
Presence of banks in the community (2004)f |
Presence of gas station in the community (2004)f |
Number of neighborhood associations (2004)f |
Number of bakeries in the community (2004)f |
VI. Physical infrastructure |
Type of urban household [permanent, temporary or collective] (2000)a |
Material used in community household construction (2004)f |
Type of water supply system in urban households (2000)a |
Type of water supply system in community households (2004)f |
Availability of piped water in urban households (2000)a |
Type of water treatment in community households (2004)f |
Type of sewage system in urban households (2000)a |
Type of sewage system in community households (2004)f |
Type of garbage collection in urban households (2000)a |
Type of garbage collection in community households (2004)f |
Existence of electric power in urban households (2000)a |
Existence of electric power in community households (2004)f |
Existence of public light posts for urban households (2000)a |
Existence of public light posts for community households (2004)f |
Degree of paved streets for urban households (2000)a |
VII. Geophysical landmarks |
Presence of river and/or road in the municipality (2007)c |
Area of municipality under indigenous reserves and national/state parks (2007)c |