Fig. 6.
NF-κB expression and activity in BT474 cells. (a) Effect of Pg on NF-κB and pNF-κB protein levels and (b) luciferase activity in a plasmid containing a NF-κB binding site in the luc-promoter region. Cells were treated with solvent DMSO (control) or different concentration of Pg (2.5–10 µg/ml) for 24h. Effects of (c) miR-155 antagomers (Ant.) and (d) miR-27a antagomers (Ant.) on luciferase activity of the NF-κB promoter construct. Luciferase activity is expressed as ratio to β-gal. All experiments were performed as described in the material and method section and were performed at least three times, and result were expressed as mean ± SE.* indicates significant changes at p<0.05.