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. 2012 Nov 5;6:295. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00295

Table A2.

Pre-to-post aerobic exercise changes in BOLD responses for negative and positive self versus case.

Brain regions BA xyz % Vol mm3 t-Test
AE post versuspre
Negative self > case None
Negative case > self
Dorsal medial PFC 8 0 25 43 −0.17 479 −3.64
Medial PFC 9 0 49 15 −0.14 213 −3.34
Rostral anterior cingulate 24 3 27 1 −0.17 479 −3.59
L ventral lateral PFC 47 −31 25 −2 −0.10 319 −4.66
L ventral lateral PFC 47 −48 31 −9 −0.27 213 −3.27
R inferior frontal gyrus 45 41 21 12 −0.10 213 −4.17
R lateral precuneus 7 28 −41 43 −0.14 266 −3.39
R lingual gyrus 18 3 −79 −9 −0.20 798 −4.68
L lingual gyrus 18 −7 −65 5 −0.11 532 −3.28
L lingual gyrus 18 −3 −79 −6 −0.19 213 −4.16
R caudate 3 1 12 −0.17 745 −3.40
R caudate 14 11 5 −0.12 479 −4.84
R caudate 17 −10 22 −0.09 213 −3.71
R thalamus 14 −10 1 −0.10 426 −4.76
Negative case > self None
Positive self > case
L insula 13 −31 −10 15 0.07 213 3.65
Positive case > self None

Italicized brain regions are located within the Northoff defined self-referential cortical midline network. xyz = Talairach coordinates for peak of cluster, % = BOLD percent signal change for contrast, t-value threshold ≥3.10, voxel p < 0.005, minimum cluster volume threshold >213 mm3 (4 voxels × 3.438 mm × 4.5 mm), cluster-wise p < 0.01. BA, Brodmann area; BOLD, blood oxygen level-dependent; L, left; PFC, prefrontal cortex; R, right; SAD, social anxiety disorder; Vol, volume.