Figure 1.
mRNA and protein expression of the pancreatic lipases BSSL, PLRP2, PL, and PLA2 in mouse and rat at different postnatal ages. (A) Relative amount of pancreatic lipase mRNA levels. Bars represent the average values ± SEM from the analysis of at least three animals at each time point. For each sample, the results were normalized to endogenous 18S ribosomal RNA and the adult value for each lipase was set to 1.0. Mouse (□), rat (■). (B) Immunoblot. Extracts of total pancreatic protein (30 μg/lane; for PLA2, 50 μg/lane) was separated by SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF membranes and blotted with antibodies directed against pancreatic lipases as noted. C, positive control.