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. 2012 Aug 18;68(Pt 9):1242–1252. doi: 10.1107/S0907444912026212

Table 1. Data-collection and refinement statistics.

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.

  D1 data set D2 data set D1D2 data set D3 data set
Data collection
 X-ray source APS 22-ID APS 22-ID   APS 22-ID
 Wavelength (Å) 1.9 1.9   0.9724
 Crystal-to-detector distance (mm) 125 125   230
 Exposure time (s) 3 2   1
 Space group P42 P42 P42 P42
 Unit-cell parameters (Å) a = b = 53.54, c = 41.25 a = b = 53.52, c = 41.24 a = b = 53.54, c = 41.25 a = b = 53.03, c = 40.97
 Resolution range (Å) 50.00–2.30 (2.38–2.30) 50.00–2.30 (2.38–2.30) 50.00–2.30 (2.38–2.30) 50.00–1.85 (1.92–1.85)
 Completeness (%) 95.9 (59.3) 99.8 (98.5) 99.9 (99.2) 99.9 (99.8)
 Redundancy 12.0 (3.9) 13.5 (9.7) 25 (13.4) 13.3 (12.5)
R merge (%) 4.1 (32.3) 4.1 (21.3) 4.5 (25.4) 5.1 (23.3)
 〈I/σ(I)〉 72.4 (3.1) 94.1 (14.5) 124.7 (17.38) 60.66 (12.96)
 Mosaicity (°) 0.48–0.65 0.50–0.65   0.56
 Unique reflections 5347 5325 5325 9859
 Rmeas (%) 4.4 (36.2) 4.2 (22.2) 4.8 (28.4)  
R p.i.m. § (%) 1.2 (16.1) 1.1 (6.7) 0.9 (7.5)  
SHELXD CCall/CCweak 40.8/11.2 29.75/13.49 47.93/29.15  
 RTSI (see text) 43.33 37.63 68.00  
 Traceable map No No Yes  
 Resolution limits (Å)     37.86–2.30 37.50–1.85
 Reflections used     5325 9761
 No. of protein atoms refined     740 748
 No. of water molecules     32 76
R work/R free (%)     23.2/26.8 17.90/21.40
 R.m.s.d. bond lengths (Å)     0.009 0.008
 R.m.s.d. bond angles (°)     1.300 0.998
 Mean B value (Å2)     50.0 28.7
MolProbity all-atom clash score     20.42 12.35
 Ramachandran favored (%)     87/88 88/89
 PDB entry     3o3k †† 3ov8

R merge = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where I(hkl) is the observed intensity of reflections.

R meas is the redundancy-independent merging R factor of Diederichs & Karplus (1997).


R p.i.m. is the precision-indicating merging R factor of Weiss & Hilgenfeld (1997).

R work = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where F calc and F obs are the calculated and observed structure-factor amplitudes, respectively. R free is the same as R work but calculated using an ∼5% test set of reflections that were excluded from refinement.


The accompanying 2.3 Å resolution S-SAD data set has been deposited in the PDB.