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. 2005 Aug 18;15(4):423–432. doi: 10.1007/s00586-005-1013-4

Table 2.

Questionnaire scores and clinical characteristics of the lumbar discectomy patients

    Discectomy, no pain Discectomy with pain P-value
N 15 23
Pain on VAS Mean 0.467, s.d.=0.58 3.7, s.d.=1.35
Range 0–1.5 2–6 0<0.001
Radicular pain 12
Low back pain 11
Time since surgery (months) 59, s.d.=13 66, s.d.=12 0.16
Motor No paresis 14 17 0.60
Paresis 1 5
Sensibility Normal 11 9 0.52
Abnormal 4 12
Reflexes Normal 12 8 0.093
Abnormal 2 12
Lasègue Positive 0 4 0.073
Negative 15 18
Kemp Positive 3 3 0.21
Negative 12 17
Slump Positive 1 5 0.43
Negative 14 17
Quebec Mean 14.47, s.d.=11.7 31.65, s.d. 15.8 0.001
Range 0–36 5–61
PCS Mean 10.46, s.d.=7.46 15.81, s.d.=8.17 0.065
Range 0–23 2–33