FIG. 4.
Examples of plasmid profiles in transconjugants obtained after filter mating of environmental VRE with the recipient strain E. faecium BM4105. In some cases, the plasmid acquired by the transconjugant could not be detected for the corresponding donor strain (e.g., lanes 6 and 7). The intense lower bands in the gel are chromosomal DNA. Lane 1, recipient E. faecium BM4105; lane 2, E. faecium strain 3 isolated from vancomycin sludge; lane 3, transconjugant obtained from strain 3; lane 4, E. faecium strain W5 isolated from vancomycin sludge; lane 5, transconjugant obtained from strain W5; lane 6, E. faecium strain ΦME1 isolated from blue mussels; lane 7, transconjugant obtained from strain ΦME1; lane 8, E. mundtii strain 68 isolated from vancomycin sludge; lane 9, transconjugant obtained from strain 68.