Figure 3. Splenocytes were isolated from 4 tumor bearing, PBS (A, left panel) or Lm-LLO-E7 (B, left panel) treated mice and analyzed by flowcytometry for the presence of IL-17A+ cells. Vaccination induced increases in mean percentage of total γδ+ T cells and CD4+ cells were not statistically significant. Vaccination did not alter the percentages of CD4+, IL-17+ cells or CD4+, IL-17- cells (B, right panel) relative to PBS treated control mice (A, right panel). γδ+ T cells, derived from gates in panels A and B (left panels), were further analyzed for the presence of IL-17 (C, D). Vaccination increased the percentages of γδ+, IL-17+ splenocytes in treated mice (D) relative to PBS treated mice (C). Data from individual mice are shown (C, D).