Figure 6.
Responses of GPe neurons in MPTP-treated monkeys to infusion of aCSF, L-AP4, or VU0155041 (VU). A) Changes in firing rate (expressed as firing rate ratios, effect/baseline) of GPe neurons in response to drug infusion. The proportions of cells showing increased, decreased, or no change in firing rate were statistically different between the L-AP4 and aCSF groups (chi-squared, p=0.02). B) Changes in firing pattern (expressed as coefficient of variance ratios) of GPe neurons in response to drug infusion. Solid horizontal line represents the mean of aCSF data. Upper and lower dashed lines represent 90th and 10th percentiles of aCSF data, respectively. aCSF n=14, L-AP4 n=27, VU n=10.