Specificity of various fatty acids and some methyl
esters for elicitation of H2O2 and for
enhancement of H2O2 elicitation by a fungal
elicitor. Fatty acids were used at 47 μg mL−1. Elicitor
activity and enhancement are given relative to the activity of the
fungal elicitor (see Fig. 1). Note that enhancement values <1 indicate
inhibition. The time course was different for the various compounds.
The elicitor activity is given, therefore, as the highest
H2O2 concentration reached at the time
indicated. Means ± sd from three independent
experiments are shown. c-LA, cis,cis-Linoleic
acid; t-LA, trans,trans-linoleic acid; 9-ELA and
12-ELA, cis,cis-9-ELA and
cis,cis-12-ELA, respectively; 9-ELAM and 12-ELAM,
cis,cis-9-ELAM and cis,cis-12-ELAM,