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. 2012 Jan;102(1):122–125. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300314


Reports of Clinically or Microbiologically Confirmed Cases of Spore-Forming Bacterial Infection Among Injecting Drug Users: European Union, Croatia, and Norway, 2000–2009

Country Population in 2005 Estimated IDUs
Bacterial Infections
Summary of Responses to Request for Further Information on IDU Cases References
Range Central Estimate, No. Year Method Botulism, No. Tetanus, No. Clostridium noyvi, No. Anthrax, No. Total No. Rate/ Million People Rate/ 1000 IDUs
Austria 8 206 524 12 000–23 000 NA 2000 MM 0 0 0 No cases reporteda
Belgium 10 445 852 23 200–28 400 NA 1997 HM 0 0 0 No cases reportedb
Bulgaria 7 761 049 No data on injecting status
Croatia 4 443 901 2521–4167 3145 2009 MM 0 0 0 No cases reported
Cyprus 749 175 379–646 481 2009 OT 0 0 0 No cases reported
Czech Republic 10 220 577 34 200–36 400 35 300 2009 TM 0 0 0 No cases reported
Denmark 5 411 405 10 066–16 821 12 754 2006 CR 0 0 0 No cases reported
Estonia 1 347 510 8132–34 443 13 886 2004 CR 0 0 0 No cases reported
Finland 5 236 611 12 200–19 700 15 650 2002 OT 0 0 0 No cases reported
France 62 637 596 NA 122 000 1999 HM 0 0 0 No cases reported
Germany 82 500 849 78 000–110 500 NA 2005 MM 21 1 22 0.27 0.20–0.28 Botulism: 4 more cases 12–17
Greece 11 082 751 8999–12 713 10 658 2009 CR 1 2 3 0.27 0.24–0.33 Botulism: 1 case; tetanus: 2 casesc
Hungary 10 097 549 NA 5699 2008–2009 OT 0 0 0 No cases reportedd
Ireland 4 109 173 4694–7884 NA 1996 MM 9 22 31 7.54 3.9–6.6 No additional cases 18–20
Italy 58 462 375 NA 326 000 1996 HM 2 2 0.03 0.0061 Botulism: 2 cases
Latvia 2 306 434 0 0 No cases reported
Lithuania 3 425 324 0 0 No cases reportede
Luxembourg 461 230 1253–1919 1485 2007 OT Unable to provide data
Malta 402 668 0 0 No cases reported
The Netherlands 16 305 526 2336–2444 2390 2008 TM 1 1 2 0.12 0.82–0.86 No additional cases 21,22
Norway 4 606 363 8 810–12 480 10 238 2008 MM 5 1 1 7 1.52 0.56–0.79 Botulism: 4 more cases 23
Poland 38 173 835 0 0 No cases reportedf
Portugal 10 529 255 13 183–16 285 NA 2005 TM 0 0 0 No cases reported
Romania 21 658 528 0 0 No cases reported
Slovakia 5 384 822 13 732–34 343 18 841 2006 TM 0 0 0 No cases reported
Slovenia 1 997 590 NA 7320 2001 OT 0 0 0 No cases reported
Spain 43 038 035 NA 83 972g 1998 MM 0 0 0 No cases reported
Sweden 9 011 392 0 0 No cases reported
United Kingdom 60 059 900 143 298–156 017 147 900 2006–2007 OT 160 34 93 13 300 5.00 1.9–2.1 Not applicable
Totalh 491 851 520 199 37 116 15 367 0.75
Totalh (excluding UK) 431 791 620 39 3 23 2 67 0.16

Note. CR = capture recapture; EMCDDA = European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; HM = HIV multiplier; IDU = injecting drug user; MM = mortality multiplier; NA = not available; OT = other or multiple methods; TM = treatment multiplier.

Source. Estimates of numbers of IDUs are from the EMCDDA.24


No cases reported through the Austrian early warning system.


Data from 2006–2009.


Data from 2003–2009, drug user or IDU. Data on drug use not systematically collected.


Data from 2004–2009 for tetanus, and from 2006–2009 for botulism.


No information on these infections occurring among injecting drug users.


Drug use not routinely collected; however, in all known cases, other routes were implicated.


Opiate injectors only.


Excluding Bulgaria and Luxembourg.