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. 2012 Jan;102(1):156–162. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300284


Characteristics of Men Who Have Sex With Men: Sex and Love Study Version 2.0, New York City, 2003–2004

Characteristic No. (%)
    ≤ high school 52 (7.7)
    Some college 180 (26.9)
    College degree 216 (32.3)
    Graduate school 215 (32.2)
    African American 69 (10.3)
    Asian/Pacific Islander 40 (6.0)
    White/European 413 (61.7)
    Latino 96 (14.3)
    Other/multiracial 47 (7.0)
Income, $
    < 19 999 115 (17.2)
    20 000–39 999 155 (23.2)
    40 000–59 999 166 (24.8)
    60 000–99 999 156 (23.2)
    ≥ 100 000 64 (9.6)
Age, y
    18–29 171 (25.6)
    30–39 229 (34.2)
    40–49 159 (23.8)
    ≥ 50 108 (16.1)
Sexual identitya
    Gay 594 (88.8)
    Bisexual 57 (8.5)
HIV status
    Negative 585 (87.4)
    Positive 72 (10.8)
    Unknown/undisclosed 12 (1.8)
Unprotected anal intercourse with HIV-serodiscordant or unknown-status partner in past 90 db
    No 470 (70.3)
    Yes 77 (11.5)
Syndemic health problemsc
    Polydrug use (valid n = 652) 56 (8.4)
    Depressiond (valid n = 660) 317 (47.4)
    Childhood sexual abuse (valid n = 669) 68 (10.2)
    Partner violence (valid n = 649) 144 (21.5)
    Sexual compulsivitye (valid n = 666) 129 (19.3)

Note. The sample size was n = 669.


Percentages do not add up to 100% because the additional men did not report this information.


Some participants (18.2%; n = 122) did not provide a response to this question. Men who were in monogamous relationships were excluded (n = 198).


Percentages reported for syndemic health problems are out of the total sample. Valid n corresponds to the portion of participants for whom complete data are available.


Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale score > 22.


Sexual Compulsivity Scale score ≥ 24.