Alignment of the amino acid sequences of H. calycinum
CNL (HcCNL; AFS60176), P. hybrida
CNL (PhCNL; AEO52693), Arabidopsis CNL (AtCNL, AtBZO1; Q9SS01), predicted BZL/CNL from C. breweri (CbBZL/CNL; AEO52695), predicted OSBZL1 from M. truncatula (MtOSBZL1; XP_003600627), and 4CL1 from Arabidopsis (At4CL1; NP_001077697). The conserved peptide motifs (box I and box II) and 12 amino acids proposed to function as a 4CL substrate specificity code (Schneider et al., 2003) are shaded. C-terminal peroxisomal targeting sequences (S/ARL) are underlined. The asterisk marks a residue whose hydrophobicity in CNLs was anticipated (Schneider et al., 2003). Gaps introduced to maximize the alignment are indicated by dashes. OSBZL numbering refers to that in Figure 7.