Root phenotype of the zmccd8 mutant. A, The central root system of field-grown zmccd8 and wild-type plants. Central root systems were excavated by severing them about 30 cm below and away from the base of the plant and gently shaking the root mass to remove the soil. B, Delayed outgrowth of nodal roots from 14-d-old zmccd8 seedlings. Nodal roots are indicated by arrows for zmccd8 and the wild type. C, Quantitative analysis of primary root lengths and nodal root length at 14 d after planting. Plants were grown in a container (0.5 L) with soil media, and root systems were exposed by submerging the entirely loosening soil in water. D, Numbers of nodal roots >5 mm were determined for zmccd8 and wild-type seedlings 10 d after planting. Values are means ± se (n = 10). [See online article for color version of this figure.]