Table I. Inflorescence transcriptome changes are similar to those in developing stamen/pollen, in developmentally senescing leaves, and in tissues whose carbohydrate status is altered.
The 758 up-regulated and 741 down-regulated genes were compared with data sets from hundreds of transcriptome studies using Genevestigator V3. The data sets whose transcript profiles most closely matched the changes in the detached dark-held inflorescences are shown. The pollen set was derived from gene transcripts whose accumulation in pollen was 2-fold or more greater than in mature leaf tissue and that showed less than 2-fold change in response to carbohydrate- or senescence-related signaling. Ext, Leaves of whole rosettes held for extended periods (as indicated) in the dark; Sen, developmentally senescing leaves; Glc, seedlings grown in liquid medium containing 0.5% Glc for 7 d, then in medium lacking Glc for 24 h, and then in medium containing 3% Glc for 4 h; CO2, intact rosette leaves illuminated at the end of night for 4 h at 50 µL L−1 versus 350 µL L−1 [CO2]; Light, intact rosette leaves held at 50 µL L−1 [CO2] in light versus 50 µL L−1 [CO2] in dark for 4 h at the end of the night. The percentage of inflorescence genes showing similarity in transcript accumulation with each specified data set is given in parentheses. Percentages for the up-regulated genes were calculated from the set of 553 non-pollen-associated genes, except for the pollen-associated genes (calculated from 758 genes).
Regulation | Pollen | Ext Early (2 and 4 h) | Ext Mid (6 and 8 h) | Ext Late (24 and 48 h) | Sen | Glc | CO2 | Light |
Up-regulated | 205 (27) | 191 (35) | 305 (55) | 380 (69) | 205 (37) | 313 (57) | 329 (59) | 31(6) |
Down-regulated | 78 (11) | 327 (44) | 464 (63) | 422 (57) | 206 (28) | 282 (38) | 54(7) |