Table 5.
Effects of different housing trajectories characterized by housing tenure change on externalizing behaviour at age 9 years
Model 1* |
Model 2*† |
Model 3*‡ |
β | 95% CI | P value | β | 95% CI | P value | β | 95% CI | P value | |
Intercept |
2.09 |
1.95 - 2.23 |
<0.001 |
3.01 |
2.12 - 3.90 |
<0.001 |
2.98 |
1.99 - 3.97 |
<0.001 |
Trajectories associated with housing tenure change at 2, 3.5 and 9 yrs |
Continuous home ownership |
ref |
<0.001§ |
<0.001§ |
0.014§ |
Continuous rental occupancy |
1.29 |
0.86 - 1.72 |
1.01 |
0.56 - 1.46 |
0.80 |
0.31 - 1.30 |
Upwardly mobile¶ |
0.68 |
0.28 - 1.09 |
0.46 |
0.05 - 0.88 |
0.37 |
-0.06 - 0.80 |
Downwardly mobile** |
0.39 |
-0.07 - 0.86 |
0.29 |
-0.17 - 0.75 |
0.24 |
-0.25 - 0.74 |
Mixed†† |
-0.01 |
-0.56 - 0.53 |
-0.13 |
-0.67 - 0.41 |
-0.19 |
-0.73 - 0.36 |
Maternal age at birth of study child |
-0.03 |
-0.06 - -0.01 |
0.011 |
-0.03 |
-0.06 - 0.00 |
0.049 |
Study child sex female |
-0.18 |
-0.42 - 0.05 |
0.120 |
-0.18 |
-0.42 - 0.06 |
0.13 |
Maternal education |
HS not completed |
0.48 |
0.13 - 0.82 |
0.027§ |
0.45 |
-0.06 - 0.85 |
0.08§ |
HS not completed, TAFE or Univ. completed |
0.11 |
-0.29 - 0.51 |
0.08 |
-0.34 - 0.50 |
HS completed only |
0.11 |
-0.27 - 0.50 |
0.08 |
-0.31 - 0.48 |
HS completed, TAFE completed |
0.43 |
0.05 - 0.81 |
0.35 |
-0.04 - 0.74 |
HS completed, Univ. completed |
ref |
Income |
≤$31,199 |
0.20 |
-0.16 - 0.55 |
0.48§ |
$31,200-$51,999 |
0.02 |
-0.29 - 0.33 |
≥$52,000 |
ref |
With same partner from birth to 9 yrs |
-0.20 |
-0.51 - 0.11 |
0.20 |
Stressful events between birth and 2 yrs |
-0.08 |
-0.32 - 0.17 |
0.53 |
Children in the household at 2 yrs |
1 child |
ref |
0.46§ |
2 children |
0.14 |
-0.18 - 0.46 |
3 children |
0.05 |
-0.35 - 0.45 |
≥4 children |
-0.21 |
-0.73 - 0.30 |
1 or more additional child from 2 yrs to 3.5 yrs |
0.24 |
-0.06 - 0.54 |
0.11 |
School moves from reception to 9 yrs |
No school moves |
ref |
0.047§ |
1 school move |
-0.34 |
-0.62 - -0.07 |
≥2 school moves | 0.002 | -0.58 - 0.58 |
CI = Confidence Interval, HS = High School, TAFE = Technical and Further Education College, Univ. = University, yrs = years.
*R-square values are 0.099 (Model 1), 0.145 (Model 2) and 0.173 (Model 3).
†Includes adjustment for maternal age, child sex and maternal education.
‡Includes adjustment for maternal age, child sex, maternal education, household income, parental relationship status, household composition, stressful events between birth and 2 years, and change in school between reception and 9 years.
§P values reflect an overall test for the inclusion of the set of variables.
¶Includes a sustained change in housing tenure from a private rental, public rental or living with extended family to mortgage/own or living in a residence rent free.
**Includes a sustained change in housing tenure from mortgage/own or living in a residence rent free to private rental, public rental, or living with extended family.
††Includes families who experience both upwardly and downwardly mobile housing tenure changes.