Figure 2. The structure of the PAK1 AID and sequence alignment among Group I PAKs from diverse phyla. PAK1 sequences are from human (Hs, Q13153), Branchiostoma floridae (Bf, XP_002595185), Ciona intestinalis (Ci, XP_002131099), dPAK1 from Drosophila melangaster (Dm, AAC47094) and Ste20p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc, AAA35038). Completely conserved residues are in pink and partial conservation in yellow. The interaction of the KYMS box is illustrated in the figure below, which shows a complex between human PAK1 and the AID (PDB: 1F3M). The A-loop in yellow is displaced by the presence of the KYMS sequence, which occupies a position under the α-C helix. The structure was prepared using Pymol.