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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Nov 6.
Published in final edited form as: Biochemistry. 2012 Oct 23;51(44):9002–9013. doi: 10.1021/bi3011016

Table 2.

Irp3 native and NADP+ data collection and refinement statisticsa

Native NADP+ bound
Data collectionb
Wavelength (Å) 1.000034 0.97944
Space group P212121 P212121
Cell dimensions; a, b, c (Å) 83.87, 93.90, 181.12 83.42, 93.82, 181.99
Resolution (Å) 76.11 - 1.85 (1.95 - 1.85) 39.89 - 2.31 (2.43 - 2.31)
R sym c 0.054 (0.395) 0.087 (0.389)
Total observations 465318 (67058) 234222 (33388)
Total unique observations 122197 (17701) 63447 (9044)
Mean ((I) / sd(I)) 12.4 (3.1) 11.2 (3.2)
Completeness (%) 99.8 (100.0) 99.6 (98.5)
Redundancy 3.8 (3.8) 3.7 (3.7)
Resolution (Å) 40.97 - 1.85 (1.90 - 1.85) 39.89 - 2.31 (2.37 - 2.31)
R cryst d 19.6 (26.8) 19.7 (25.8)
R free 24.2 (32.8) 26.0 (33.1)
Total unique observations 115,840 60,174
No. of non-hydrogen atoms 10,938 11,156
Protein 10,397 10,854
Ligand 20 192
Solvent 23 0
Water 498 110
rms deviation bonds (Å) 0.02 0.015
rms deviation angles (°) 2.01 1.93
Overall mean B-factor (Å2) 28.3 28.7
Ra machandran plot analysise
Favored region 98.4 96.9
Allowed region 1.4 2.9
Outlier region 0.2 0.3

All data were collected at beamline 9-2 at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. Values in parenthesis are for the highest resolution shells.


native data indexed with MOSFLM and scaled with Scala, NADP+ data indexed and scaled with XDS


Rsym = Σh |Ih - <I>|/Σh Ih, where Ih is the intensity of reflection h, and <I> is the mean intensity of all symmetry-related reflections


Rcryst = Σ ||Fo| - |Fc||/Σ |Fo|, Fo and Fc are observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes. Five percent of the relections were reserved for the calculation of Rfree.


Calculated with RAMPAGE