Fig. 3.
MLL2 binding to the S100A gene cluster. (A) Schematics of the S100A gene cluster region on chromosome 1q21.3. MLL2 bindings within this region (as identified in the present study) are marked (red rectangles). Among these binding events, the S100A2 site was the best-enriched and identified in the original ChIP-seq. The other binding sites have less than fivefold enrichment in the ChIP-seq analysis but were confirmed by an independent ChIP-qPCR. (B) The MLL2 binding site near the transcript start of the S100A2 gene is depicted at single–base-pair resolution based on the normalized distinct tag coverage from the ChIP-seq experiment. (C) Microarray profiling shows reduced expression of the clustered S100A genes in MLL2−/− cells, in comparison with parental cells.