Incorporation of UDP-[3H]Glc into
Golgi vesicles, and determination of radiolabeled products insoluble in
70% ethanol and 10% TCA. Golgi vesicles (100 μg of protein) were
incubated with 1 μm (100,000 cpm)
UDP-[3H]Glc for various times. The reaction was stopped
by separating the vesicles from the incubation medium by filtration
(▪), or by adding ethanol (○) or TCA (•) to a final concentration
of 70 or 10%, respectively. The samples were put on ice and filtered,
and the radioactivity was determined by liquid-scintillation counting.
The total amount of insoluble radioactivity was determined by the
summation of the 70% ethanol and 10% TCA-insoluble material (▵).
The results are expressed as the percentage of the total radioactivity
in UDP-[3H]Glc initially present in the assay. The
experiment was repeated three times in duplicate, and the average
values and their deviations are plotted. A representative experiment is